Category Archives: character Design

Foxtrots for Green Hill Gallery…

Recently arrived back from a lovely long visit to France where I was out and about on my bike drawing châteaux here and there and the odd old farm house, stopping regularly at bars and cafes soaking up the local ambience… and wine!

Back in the UK and drawing… as I needed to get some images to the Cottage Hill Gallery near Bath ready for their new show, British Flora and Fauna. My contribution, these four pen and ink foxes:




Wild About Waitrose! – New pack designs

Stand by your ovens! I have just finished a series of packaging for foodie gurus, David & Oliver who have devised a range of truly scrumptious sauces, stocks and soups called Wild About Britain. I was asked to devise characters for the packs, illustrations and an animation for the website. Delicious Wild About Britain products can be found in Waitrose and other good stores near you! Enjoy!

David&Oliver_Wild-About CoverRoyal-Game_StockVenison,-Mushroom-&-Whisky_Pasta-Sauce



